
The WESAAC 2017 will be held in São Paulo (Brazil) at Escola Politécnica of Universidade de São Paulo (EP-USP), de 04-06th of May 2017.

The area of agent-based systems is widely known and has numerous papers published internationally every year. However, in Brazil, there are few events in artificial intelligence area and just WESAAC (Workshop-School on Agents, Environments, and Applications) event provides lectures (the “workshop” part) and short courses (the “school” part) specifically on the main topics of research within autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. 

In 2017, it will be the 11th edition of WESAAC and the chosen dates are nearest of AAMAS 2017 to integrate the Brazilian agent researchers to international researchers in area. The Brazilian researchers will give short courses or lectures, and they will be a better integration of the international researchers in specific agent areas. In this way, they could create momentum and future projects/researches between them.

This school is therefore of great importance as a national event in this area, aiming to both prepare future generations of Brazilian researchers and to disseminate the current projects of Brazilian researchers. It is the best opportunity for Brazilian undergraduate and specially postgraduate students to attend courses by some of the most prominent researchers working in this area throughout the world.

This school aims to provide students with useful guidance on various aspects of the research from established researchers and the other student attendees. It also helps participants to establish a research and social network of their peers.


More information about São Paulo at http://www.aamas2017.org/sao-paulo-aamas2017.php


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